Thursday, March 17, 2011

Value Exchange and the "average" bully...

I have had a heavy issue upon my heart today and it has to do with many things that change in a person's life, and how they deal with those changes. Some would say that other people are "Wrong" or "Stupid" or they can not believe that a person could feel that way. Negative, Positive, Elitist or otherwise.

 We all have a limited stay on this planet which is a blessing that has been given to us to do with what we wish. I want to start out talking about value.  In Wisconsin lately there have been attitudes flaring, and many angry people talking about our Governor and saying he is a bully, and calling him other names. Many people are saying that he is "ruining everything" and that he is "not being fair".  Be that as it may, the reaction to anything is always in the approach.  Zig Ziglar once said, it isn't the direction of the wind, but the set of the sail. How we respond to things shows what type of person we are. Now don't go off on me saying I support what he is doing because I am asking everyone to take a look at themselves and how they are reacting.  Look into the facts, not the media hype. I am not aware of all the facts, nor to I claim to be even reasonably informed. I have loved ones who will be affected by these governor decisions, but it is not within my sphere of influence to affect the outcome of this new legislation. The winds are always changing, it is how you react to the changing of the wind that determines your future.

It seems that most people are attacking teachers for their salaries and saying that they are not worth what they are paid. It seems like the argument about teachers making a salary of according to someone I know $66,000/year. Now I don't think personally that "average" teachers make that. I was also told that most teachers drive Escalades and live in huge houses.  I'm not sure if I agree with that either. I have seen people that receive government support that drive Cadillacs, Chrysler 300's and other high end vehicles that can't afford them.  The only point I am trying to make here is that we should all look at the facts and not start targeting specific jobs and name calling them.  We all make choices, they choose to teach. I know personally my parents spent thousands of dollars on school supplies that they needed that the district couldn't provide for them. Maybe if they wouldn't have contributed to that they would both be driving Escalades instead of Toyotas. (Toyotas are great cars by the way)

OK, so then the next part of my thoughts, I believe that people choose to pay for what they pay for via a fair exchange for value. Basic marketing principle is that the price of anything purchased is what the average person is willing to give up in exchange for that product or service. Some people are willing to give up around $250.00 a month for cable TV/Internet/Phone service. Some people choose to give up $500/Month to drive a nice car. Others choose to give up $200/month for leadership materials that benefit them in their life. What is the price you are willing to pay for your future?

A $500/Month lease on a vehicle for 60 months equates to $30,000. At the end of that 60 months you own nothing. Watching television has an opportunity cost as well as a hefty price tag some people spend $250/Month for television. Let's say you move out at age 18 and subscribe to this service until you are 65 that is 47 years so if you do the math $141,000 spent on entertainment and communication from home. WOW! $3000.00 a year on entertainment (Just at home) that takes time away from friends, family, hobbies and generally doesn't do good things for your health.

I am not saying that it is wrong to have television, I am just asking you to consider the value you are exchanging for television. What are you giving up? $3000.00 a year will get you a nice little vacation with your significant other. 

Most people will react negatively to an attitude like this. Why are you taking away my television? How am i supposed to find out what happens on Gray's Anatomy? Who is winning American Idol? Do these outcomes weigh heavily on your heart? Is this something that in the grand scheme of things, when you are at the end of your life. When the final moment comes will you look back and say, "I am glad I never missed an episode of Survivor, I am a better human being because of it."

The "average" bully is someone who makes you reconsider a decision you have made. Let's say you wanted to go on a diet.  You lay out a game plan for yourself that you are going to eat more of certain things and less of others and that you are going to exercise. You are excited about this, you are going to get back down to your fighting weight!  Then on Monday with a smile on your face and determination in your heart you step into work. You confess you your best work buddy (Who is not at his fighting weight) that you are going to make a lifestyle change. He scoffs and says that it is too hard to do that, so why bother. Then to further his encouragement of you the next few days are filled with "How's your salad fitness boy, you don't look like you are losing any weight yet!" "Told you that wouldn't work, gosh your stupid." The "average" bully can always be counted on to stay average.

I hope this has offered some insight for you, and added some value to your day.