Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Law of attraction... the process...

I myself think I had a major breakthrough in my life today while I was studying some material on the law of attraction. I am not speaking of "The Secret", although this is a great resource for people beginning to understand the law of attraction. If you look at all the material out in the written world with all of the "Law of attraction gurus" and you will see many similarities amongst them and not so much along the lines of originality. The two works said to have spawned it all are The Master Key System and Earl Nightingale's The Strangest Secret.  These two works are a great way to look at the sub-concsious mind and see how the material world interacts based off of your thoughts and habits. Although they do not hold a candle to the bible and Jesus Christ who was the original "Guru of the law of attraction".

The bible speaks many truths that are still true today in regards to the law of attraction. John 1:14 "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth." It speaks of thoughts becoming things.  We speak and think ourselves into the life that we have. We have created this life in our minds first, then God helps us all create it outside of ourselves.

So onto my big breakthrough! It all happened when I was watching a recording of a live seminar. The name of the speaker is not important and he was rather rude and obnoxious to boot. The point of the seminar was even vague and poorly reproduced for the Internet. Anyhow when he was talking about people getting caught up in the process and not focusing on the outcome or result I was hit between the eyes in a major way. I had heard the statement "don't get stuck in the process" so many times and it had not registered with me. DON'T GET CAUGHT UP IN THE PROCESS! I have spent many years working for someone else, listening to teachers, listening to professors and following directions. The process is directions! I felt as long as I was in the process I was doing great, this focuses less on results and more on activity. Activity is a necessary part of the process, but it is not the result. I need to start learning to focus on what results I want from the process, not the process itself.

There are numerous examples of this all around us everyday. Why are we so busy? We feel the need to accomplish things, we are commissioned by God to accomplish things... but what are we accomplishing and how is this moving us forward to our purpose? If we decide in our minds that we want to lose weight, we know the logical steps. As Tim Marks would say, "Eat less, move more." This seems so simple, but it is so hard! What do you mean I can eat cheeseburgers, pizza and doughnuts everyday? I eat less of them. That is not enough. If I want the true result I need to do the activity. If I do not do the activity, even if I sit around all day and visualize the victory it is not going to advance me any closer to the goal I wish to achieve.  I need to get into action! I need to set a goal and go out and take that first step.

What is your goal? What do you think should be your first step? What knowledge or resources do you have that may help you in your quest? Why are you going on this quest? Where could you get help from someone that has gone through the quest you are beginning now? What are you going to do right now to help you advance closer to your goal right now? Stop reading and take that first step. Move forward in faith and the Lord will be there to help you.

Have a great day!