Thursday, July 19, 2012

Comfort...why is it so comfortable?

A certain level of comfort is wanted by the human being, a certain level of discomfort is required by humans to grow and flourish.

"Learn to say 'no' to the good so you can say 'yes' to the best." - John C Maxwell

Why do people say 'no' to better, and 'absolutely not' to attempted excellence? 
This is an interesting question, I have heard answers ranging from; "People hide from success because it is disguised in coveralls"., "I've got a great education and a good secure job.", "I was born this way, and I don't plan on changing." It sounds silly, but a lot of these things are a reality for many people.

I would like to start by explaining Personal Development:

Personal Development gives a great definition:
Personal development includes activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and facilitates employability, enhance quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations. The concept is not limited to self-help but includes formal and informal activities for developing others, in roles such as teacher, guide, counsellor, manager, coach, or mentor. Finally, as personal development takes place in the context of institutions, it refers to the methods, programs, tools, techniques, and assessment systems that support human development at the individual level in organizations.[1]

Why is personal development so scary? Why do people find personal development unnecessary? Why do people think personal development is a scam? All great questions certainly, but are they really the right questions? Do people really think they are as good as they can be?

Ok, I will admit that the first personal development book I bought was a secret. I would only read it under the covers after midnight with a flashlight. Although this is a funny example, I would imagine it rings true for many people. It is embarrassing at first to admit that you are not as good as you can be, that doesn't mean that you are less than you should be, you are only as good as the information that you have been programmed with since you were born that you HAD NO IDEA WAS HAPPENING. That being said you are now aware and can no longer use that excuse. Sorry.

Everyone around you had the best intentions in raising you right, and the television and radio wanted to turn you into a good citizen with a mortgage, car payment, cable bill and Friday dinner out.  It seems like the majority of the programming I received was that life was great, you bought more than you can afford if you can afford the payment. Having since then learned many lessons, some that I continue to learn, I have found different information that made my mind think differently about things. Finance information that I learned from.

This information at first made me a little mad that no one had told me about it. No one ever said there was something other than getting a college education, getting a job and then throwing on the cruise control for the next 50 years then maybe getting a cruise vacation with a spouse I haven't spent that much time with over the years and playing Keno on the ship. That sounds really lame to me, not criticizing anyone else's dream life if that is it.  Yet day in and day out people really don't put much thought into it, they distract themselves with this or that and soon enough they are close to retirement, but they never really planned for that. SO, part-time job as a greeter, or some other type of job that pays $8.00 an hour and doesn't demand much. Helps them stay out of the red in their budget.


At anytime you can stop for a second and analyze the situation and see if you are on your desired path. At anytime you can change your approach and get out of debt, add additional income or fall in love with your spouse again. The only difference is information, that information comes from Personal Development.

Personal Development, in particular the LIFE TEAM has given me direction and a vehicle for improvement in my life. It may not be the same for you, you may not be interested in making a difference in this world, but aren't you a little curious?  Sit down and look at the areas of your life that you believe are important, calculate an honest score for yourself in those areas, are you dogging it or killing it?

Read this blog by my wife to help you look at an example of priorities. Read this example of why people settle for mediocrity and average by Nick Nighbor. If you do anything, start to search for answers to your questions.

God Bless.


Sunday, July 15, 2012

Checking in. Looking forward to a new blog!

Just thought I would log in quick and drop a note and update my blog. I have been blessed with an amazing wife and a fantastic family and I like to share leadership info with the masses. Thank you for looking. JB Thompson