Sunday, January 23, 2011


Wow, today was a day. I had the pleasure of sitting down with someone else who made me think of how I must have been in the beginning of my journey in leadership. God was reminding me to listen and respect other people, their beliefs and to learn about them before talking to them.

That is the context for this blog. I admit, I sometimes get complacent and do not stay focused on my dream. I would say that is because I am human, but that is just an excuse for not being focused. I had my dream challenged today, for the first time in a long time, someone was trying to take it from me and tempt me with the almighty dollar away from my purpose.  I attempt to seal off my compartment with positive messages and positive people, but it is not airtight yet.

News flash: "I RULE MONEY, MONEY DOESN'T RULE ME!" If money was all that I wanted and I was willing to give up my time with my awesome wife, great friends and family for a few bucks, what kind of person would that make me? A GREEDY PERSON! I understand earning a living, paying bills and helping out Uncle Sam, I am not contending that, but is it a life?

'We were meant to live for so much more, but we lost ourselves...' - Switchfoot.

What were you created to do?  I believe I was created to make things happen, to do things that aren't supposed to be done because someone doesn't think they are "Good" or they don't match up with what the herd wants. It seems to me people only resent the wealthy because they aren't.  A lot of people will go out of their way to put down someone who "has more" than they do. 'They should share their money with me, they are a doctor so they should give me some money.' Would you know what to do with it anyway? I am not speaking from an elevated platform, but merely take a harsh tone to drive a point. Victims of the world, wait for it.... GET OVER IT! YUCK! Get out there and follow your passion!  You might not be what you want tomorrow, but you can achieve part of what you want.

If you want to be a writer, do me a favor, do one thing today that makes you feel like a writer. Do one thing that you know a writer does on a daily basis. ENVISION in your mind what life would be like to be a bestselling author. What does your average day look like? Are you on a promotional tour signing books for people dressed up as your characters? Are you passed out in the sun on a beach somewhere with your laptop in the sand next to you? Get some passion, get some drive and take one small step.

Read "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson. APPLY WHAT YOU READ!

My passion in life is to have fun and do the things that I would like to do, have the time to explore the planet I have been allowed to grace with my presence. I cherish this gift every day. I am working on being more grateful every day. I am saying "Thank You" to God, my wife, my family, my community, everything I have, am and will be. I am the most blessed person that I spend all of my time with. My journey has been rough at times and amazing at times.  Everywhere I go; there I am, so I better love myself.

Love thy neighbor as thy self. You have to love you first.

Passion, it is what drives me!

"Until you give yourself to some great cause, you haven't begun to fully live." - John Mason

Thank you for honoring me with your time.

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