Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Spiritual fufillment...

It has been quite an interesting time for me lately. I can not think of another way to open this blog post up. I have been doing quite a lot of reading in the last couple of months on certain authors from the past. Neville Goddard, Dale Carnegie and many others and it seems there is a recurring theme. You attract what you are.

I began this journey with a completely different mindset, that I needed to look to others to find what I needed and to provide them with what they needed. What did they need? All different types of people, all different needs right? That is what I thought too, until I discovered that they are 'people' and I'm a 'people' too.

Listening to a Spencer Johnson recording the universe sent to me during a swing by the thrift store last week he talked about a $alesperson. We sell to people and since we are people, in-order-to figure out what they want we need to think, what do we want? Satisfaction with our purchases, a brighter future, happiness and excitement.  The purpose of sales is not to reach into the other person's wallet and get money, or to create a need to fill, that is a common peddler. The purpose was not to benefit me directly, but rather a win-win scenario where we both walk away from the transaction feeling fufilled, happy and excited. We all love to buy stuff, but we hate to be sold into buying stuff.

When asked why then it was sales PERSON instead of salesMAN, it is because it is good to remember that there is a person on the other side of every transaction. Then why start it with a dollar sign? We all have to have money to survive, in this modern time unless you are a mountain man (Who lives off the fat of the land in a far remote place where you wouldn't send your worst enemy) you need money.

This is the basic jist of the recording I listened to, but it certainly got my mind thinking about a lot of other things. In the leadership development business we are looking for partners. People that would like different results in their life and we can direct them to information through books/CD's and association with a group of like-minded people that are interested in similar things. A group of aspiring leaders that will go out of their way to help you succeed.

Sometimes we get too excited we have someone and as one of my mentors Steve Morgan says, we try to hit the ball and then drag Bernie around the bases.

This is a very difficult thing to do, and this will burn a person out quickly. If you start managing all of your neighbor's flocks of sheep, soon you will be overwhelmed. I believe I am an instrument of God that is placed here to help light people's torches and guide them to truth and fufillment in their lives. NOTICE, I didn't say TEACH them TRUTH and GIVE them fufillment. That is their journey, but I will be there to love and support them along the way.

Thank you and may you have an awe-inspiring day!

1 comment:

  1. JB, what a great reminder on how a person offering the service to others is yes receiving but the person receiving is yes... also receiving. Which makes a win win situation. I think it is important what you posted and people need to be reminded that whatever it is they offer, and there is value there, then both parties win. It is the way things were done years and years ago. When there was no currency, people traded something of value for something of value. You may not see it, but you are right now moving mountains. Well written post. Thank you.
