Monday, November 29, 2010

Bringing faith back... It was once ours...

Sitting around tonight at a business launch brought me back to the days of creation. The elements to create a dynasty.  Thank you to my mentor Nick, Chris and Mike for your inspiration.

To think back to the days of the dark basements, and hidden rooms where the Declaration of Independence was conceived and placed into ink on paper that came to be one of the most famous documents ever written.  They drew a line in the sand and went "all in"! They didn't send a anonymous letter to the British Government saying "A certain someone", "To Whom it may concern". They sent a message that here was the line and cross it and we will strike back.

I am not trying to compare myself, or my fellow "business launchers" to the founding fathers of this country, but there was a certain feel to the room that made me recognize this meetings importance. Call it the hunch or gut feeling that I am trying to get more in touch with. There were four men in that room aspiring for greatness. To better their families for generations, to be in the history books, where my great, great, great grandson can look at that book and tell his friends, "That is the man who drew a line in the sand." "He was part of an organization that changed the face of the United States of America!"

It has been too long since I have felt the importance and the hop in my step to make a difference. It is time for me to stop thinking about Saturday night, and start grooming this society for generations to come. It is time to lead this country into the next economic time. STOP WHINING AND START WINNING!

When is the last time you stood for something? Is a Flat Screen TV from Wal-Mart and Friday Fish Fry the most important event of your week? What about the moment you pass by someone on the street that doesn't have a flat screen TV, do you look down upon them in shame and utter "get a job"? Abe Lincoln said summarizing 'Most men die from the neck up at 25, then wait until 65 to be buried.'

Are you that mighty to not at the very least offer a hand up to that son of God. They might not be homeless, they might have just given up on life. God sends you to them to show them a new way of life, a new direction, a way to give them a new label. Do you follow that hunch? Or do you go home and watch the television and say, "Ah, he'll figure it out".

I have been the man that walked by the person in need, stayed silent when I should have spoken. Laughed when I should have helped. No more...

1 comment:

  1. Awesome article JB. You have done an amazing job of taking the experiences of today and gave it a 30,000 foot view. Those that succeed are not the ones that look at what they are going through; but instead focus on what they are going to. Proud to be in the fight together.
